Vaccine Adverse Event: Protein Power

Medically accurate illustration of Covid-19 Virus showing spike protein on the surface of the contagion.

Welcome back, friends! Let’s talk about protein!  I’m not referring to steak and chicken legs…I’m talking about proteins and specifically  Spike Proteins.  If you have been following any information regarding the covid 19 vaccine, you would have inevitably heard about spike protein.  In this article, I want to break spike proteins down into simple terms.  We will be defining the spike protein that is generated by the Covid 19 vaccines and their effects on the cardiovascular system.  (Note: in future articles, we will discuss spike proteins effect on other organ systems).

First, let’s look at what a basic protein is, within the context of the human body.  Proteins are like the worker bees of your body.  There are thousands of different types of proteins and they all have different jobs.  Think of them like the carpenters, mechanics, and telephones of your body.  They simply perform a specific function.  Proteins are involved in hormone production and transportation, building tissues, immune function, energy production, etc.  Every fundamental process in your body will have at least one type of protein involved.

Now, let’s look at what a spike protein is.  As the name suggests, it is a protein that spikes out of a cell membrane and acts like a marker.  (Think of a flag used in a yard to mark where the water sprinkler head is.)  Spike proteins (also called S proteins) are typically associated with viruses such as the coronaviruses (SARS-CoV2 aka Covid-19) in that they line the outside membrane of the virus.  Their job is to anchor into a human cell membrane and allow the virus to inject its genetic material into the cell for replication.  This is how viruses spread within the body.  The spike protein stays stuck on the outside of the human cell and now marks the human cell as infected.  This spike-like marker attacks the immune system to investigate which then calls forth an immune response to the virus.  The end result is the formation of SARS-CoV2/Covid-19 specific antibodies.  The immune cascade is pretty completed so we won’t tackle it in this article.  Suffice it to say, the immune cascade is partially what makes us feel crummy when we get sick with a virus, i.e. fever, chills, body aches, and such.  It is a necessary part of a healthy immune system.  

Last, let’s look at the spike protein generated by the Covid-19 vaccines.  The goal of the Covid-19 vaccine is to force the immune system to make antibodies to the SARS-CoV2/Covid-19 virus.  The idea is that the vaccinated patient will generate antibodies to the spike protein and thus if they are exposed naturally to Covid-19 their immune system will kick in, antibodies will be released and kill the virus before the patient become symptomatic.  The S proteins are initially produced in the muscle around the injection site and then spread through the rest of the body.  Have you visited with folks that have received the Covid-19 vaccine and told you how much their arm muscle ached after getting their shot?  This is why;  the muscle is broken down and used to make S proteins.  

Thus far, we have established that proteins have specific jobs and spike proteins are used as markers.  And we have learned that the virus (SARS-CoV2) that causes Covid 19 carries spike proteins and that the Covid-19 vaccines will generate S Protein formation.  Easy enough, right?  Let’s take it a step further.  Studies coming out of Europe and Canada are strongly suggesting that the S Proteins derived from SARS-CoV2/Covid-19 infection and generated from the Covid-19 vaccines are indeed marking human cells….but not necessarily in a good way.  

Stay with me, we are going to get a little technical.  One of the ways the S protein negatively marks the cell membrane is by attaching itself to the ACE2 receptor.  The ACE2 (aka Angiotensis-converting enzyme 2) is an enzyme that bonds with the ACE2 receptor in your cells.    Think of a key and lock.  It’s really that simple.  ACE2 is the key and the ACE2 receptor is the lock. This specific key and lock, the ACE2, is strongly involved with cardiovascular regulation such as blood pressure and fluid management.  Bear with me a little longer and this will all make more sense.  Spike protein binds with the ACE2 receptor.  It’s like putting a key that will fit in a lock but won’t open the lock.  What happens?  First, the lock does not get opened but also the key that DOES open the lock cannot get access to the lock because it’s blocked, right?  This is exactly what happens when S protein, whether from Covid 19 infection or vaccine generated, binds with the ACE 2 receptor.  It blocks ACE2 from being able to bind.  Now, cardiovascular management is significantly disrupted.

Let’s summarize:

  1.  ACE2 and ACE2 receptors are strongly involved in cardiovascular management such as blood pressure and fluid management.
  2. Spike protein binds (from SARS-CoV2 or vaccine generated)with ACE2 receptor
  3. ACE2 cannot bind with ACE2 receptor because it’s blocked by S protein
  4. The cardiovascular system does not have key components for management
  5. Patient experiences significant and dangerous swings in blood pressure and fluid management

Have you had friends or family members that have suddenly lost their ability to self-regulate their blood pressure or report that their feet started swelling for no reason?  This could certainly be a contributing factor.  I see it and treat it in my practice often.  In fact, I will be writing some case studies that demonstrate this phenomenon and how we have restored proper function to the ACE2/ACE2 receptor system.  So, next time you are having coffee with your friend and they complain about having strange swings in their blood pressure, kindly refer them to this article on our website.  Our Vaccine Adverse Event Recovery Program is here to help.


For your health,

The Vax-Negator